presented by & Coney Island USA
at the Coney Island Museum 1208 Surf Ave.
between Stillwell Ave. and West 12th Street
Ticket Prices Vary (see descriptions). Advance Ticket Sale Coming Soon. Free Popcorn! Doors open at 8pm.
Pre-show at 8:15pm featuring classic drive in trailers, shorts, old commercials and more. Films
Travel directions, Click Here.
May 12th - Ghoul A Go-Go: It's A Haunted Happenin'!, with Ghoul A Go-Go episode: "Werewolves", featuring Sit N' Spin
Directed by Pat Bishow, 2002. It's here! That's right, the annual Ghoul A Go-Go contest, where theyfind the best female rock band in the country! Each year the winner ofthe contest goes on to have a number-one hit song. But there's one problem: the groups always seem to disappear and are never heard from again! Is it just a case of one-hit wonders? Whatever it is, it's not deterring The Darlings or The Soultanglers, two of the cutest/toughest rock bands going! And they're both staying at the Whitewood Mansion, which may or may not be haunted. Is there a diabolical plan a-brewing? Can two female rock bands spend the night together in a haunted house without driving each other crazy? It's a spook fest! It's a musical! It's a haunted shindig! Whatever you call it...It's A Haunted Happenin'! From the creator of THE GIRLS FROM H.A.R.M.! (2000), and featuring TV's Vlad & Creighton of Ghoul A Go-Go!
Prior to the feature film we present the Ghoul A Go-Go episode: "Werewolves", featuring Sit N' Spin.
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase). |
May 19th - Outside The Law (1920) with Special "Noise" Accompaniment by Zero Boy! 
Directed by Tod Browning (Silent). Silent Madden, a criminal leader in San Francisco, and his gangster daughter Molly (Priscilla Dean) have forsaken a life of crime after receiving counsel from Chang Lo, a Confucianist philosopher living in Chinatown. A despicable gangster named Black Mike Sylva (Lon Chaney) frames Molly's father for murder, causing Molly to lose faith in abiding the law and prompting her return to a life of crime. Black Mike plots to double-cross Molly as well during a jewelry theft, but Molly gets word from her gangster lover and foils Black Mike's plans. While hiding out from the law, Molly's hard heart is slowly melted by her gangster lover. The film ends with a climactic shootout. 75 minutes
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase). |
May 26th - Bela Lugosi Night! Scared to Death,, You Asked For It, Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
Special Live Opening Act - Vampire Lounge Singer Baron Misuraca!
Scared to Death: From a slab in the morgue, a dead young woman tells the bizarre tale of how she got there, through a maze of murder involving a hypnotist, a midget and a mysterious figure in a blue mask. THIS IS LUGOSI'S ONLY FILM IN COLOR. 67 minutes
You Asked for It: This is a rare episode of "You Asked For It", a program that originated in 1950 on the Du Mont Network featuring Bela Lugosi performing a magic trick. 9 minutes.
Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla: Bela Lugosi plays a mad scientist in the jungle who stumbles across a couple of comedians (intended to resemble Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis) and proceeds to use them as lab mice in his experiments. 74 minutes
$6 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase). |
June 2nd - Ghoul A Go-Go - Hosted by Vlad and Creighton!
Ghoul A Go-Go episode: "Cooking", featuring The Neanderthals and Heather Holliday!
Feature Film: God Monster of Indian Flats (1973)- Sponsored By Something Weird Video.
Gaseous vapors from an ancient mine cause the birth of a huge squeeling embryo, which is taken to the laboratory of a local mad doctor where it grows into a monstrous 8-foot mutant sheep. Got that? an 8-foot mutant sheep! Meanwhile, the racist mayor of an historic Wild West tourist town attempts to thwart the efforts of a black man buying real estate by attempting to lynch him! Plans go awry, however when the gial wool-covered Lamb from Hell escapes from the doctor’s lab and starts waddling across the countryside. Spewing an orange phosporous gas, the semi-prehistoric GODMONSTER OF INDIAN FLATS terrifies the population, blows up a gas station, and even "dances" with a deranged hippie chick until it’s lassoed by cowboys. The mayor then startles everyone by puttin "the damaged mongoloid beast" on display as "The 8th Wonder of the World"!
Starring cult facorite Stuart Lancaster (Mantis in Lace) as the malignant Mayor Silverdale, filmed in Virginia City, Nevada (as actual U.S. national historical monument!), and mixing science fition, satire, and politics, the ultra-obscure GODMONSTER OF INDIAN FLATS is easily on of the weirdest, wackiest, oddball monster movies ever made. Watch the trailer!
$8 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
June 9th - PHANTOM CREEP THEATRE presents: Vampires & Voodoo over Coney Island!
The team that ran the original Silver Scream Spook Show at Coney Island, reunite for the first time ever on the stage that started it all! NYC's 8mm Movie Matinee, along with Atlanta GA's Silver Scream Spook Show, and the internet's own Midnight Archive web series, are throwing a gala summer-long series!
Bela Lugosi's 1932 masterpiece: WHITE ZOMBIE presented from a beautiful 16mm film print! (Don't let digital projection kill kill killlllllll film projection!)
Will you be on hand when the Silver Scream Spook Show's PROFESSOR MORTE conjures the world's largest spectral phenomena known to man!?
Be the first of your friends to marvel at the oldest living(?) inhabitant of Coney Island! What secrets reside within the skull of the HYPNO CORPSE!? Plus! A retrospective of Bela Lugosi films in digest-form! Easily digestible, just ask the HYPNO CORPSE! Master of Scare-a-monies: the 8mm Movie Matinee's own... COUNT MOLOCH!
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
June 16th - No Screening
June 23rd - No Screening
June 30 - Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Directed by George A. Romero. When unexpected radiation raises the dead, a microcosm of Average America has to battle flesh-eating zombies in George A. Romero's landmark zombie horror film.; 90 minutes
$6 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
Watch the Trailer |
July 7th - Ghoul A Go-Go - Hosted by Vlad and Creighton!
Ghoul A Go-Go episode: "Tikis", featuring The's and Petty Booka!
Feature: Pagan Island (1961). Sponsored By Something Weird Video!
Shipwrecked sailor William Stanton (EDWARD DEW who doesn't like shirts) washes ashore Pagan Island and finds himself the only man among a tribe of semi-naked man hating women: "He use words I no understand. He say I built like small brick house!" After a ceremony in front of their idol -- a big goofy statue with a funny monster face -- the gals get Stanton drunk, tie him up, and hang him upside down to die: "You are White Man! White Man is no good!" But--uh oh -- when a "war canoe with warriors from other island come," Stanton is released just in time to kill the invaders. Hailed as a hero, he promptly falls in love with princess NANI MAKA, "the Bride of the Sea God," and quickly learns that his rival for her affection is...a giant clam.
Before he became a one-man nudie factory, director/producer BARRY MAHON dabbled in such exploitation quickies as Cuban Rebel Girls, and Violent Women. "Those were attempts at B-pictures," said Mahon in a 1994 interview. "Well, better pictures you don't do at that kind of budget. They weren't quite good enough even to be B's, but they would have been fantastic nudies. They were somewhere in between." Pagan Island is another of those "somewhere in between." As is its nudity. Though all the gals are topless, their breasts are "hidden" by leis. Nevertheless, simple wind and casual movement reveal numerous nipples, and enough bare boob here and there, that by the sexually-conservative standards of 1960, it was probably considered a nudie anyway. Shot in Florida, the Pagan Island girls came courtesy of BUNNY YEAGER.
Watch the trailer!
$8 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
July 14th - Man in the Sand, Woody Guthrie Birthday Celebration in Coney Island.
Special Time 5pm! FREE! Introduced By Billy Bragg!
British pop star Billy Bragg teams with American indie country band Wilco to remake two of legendary Woody Guthrie's unfinished albums. Bragg embarks on a journey that begins at Woody's Okema, Okla., birthplace. While traveling to important settings in Woody's musical career -- in Texas and New York -- and finally meeting up with Wilco in Chicago, Bragg works on bringing Woody's words to life. Man in the Sand tracks this two-year project on film. 95 minutes.
Watch the Trailer
After the screening Billy Bragg will be signing "Mermaid Ave" cd's and Nora Guthrie will be signing her book "My Name Is New York". |
July 21st - Phantom Creep Theatre - Lon Chaney Shall Not Die!
Set your faces to stun for THE UNHOLY THREE (1930), screened from a 16mm film print! This film includes insidious carnies, murderous dwarves, ravenous gorillas on the loose, Lon Chaney, Sr.'s only speaking role, and much, much more!
Experience a one time live theatrical recreation of the (lost) film that killed Lon Chaney, Sr.... THUNDER! No one has seen this gut wrenching, edge of your seat, golden era rail road drama, in over 80 years!! You can't see it anywhere, but the Phantom Creep Theatre stage!
These presentations and more are part of an entire evening celebrating the man of a 1,000 faces, the man who ceased to exist between pictures, the broken hearted clown who was born on April Fool's Day - Lon Chaney, Sr.!
Will you bear witness to COUNT MOLOCH and EK, as they attempt to make contact with the ghost of Lon Chaney, Sr., live on the Coney Island Museum stage?!?!
Entities known, and unknown, may leave the stage and roam the room in the dark. Will you be ripped from your seat, or frozen with fear to it?
"That's all there is to life: A little laugh, a little tear." - Lon Chaney, Sr.
Plus, the HYPNO CORPSE will shock and amaze you!
LIVE performances, FILM (not digital!) projections, LIVE music! ...ONLY ten bones?! YES!
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
July 28th - TBA
August 4th - Ghoul A Go-Go - Hosted by Vlad and Creighton!
New York Premiere of Ghoul A Go-Go episode: "Dances", featuring The Neanderthals and Hillbilly Werewolf!
Feature: The Undertaker and His Pals (1966), Sponsored By Something Weird Video!
Though it's doubtful a gore film could ever be funnier than Blood Feast, this charming little perversity tries hard to top it. Gore films were still pretty much the exclusive province of Herschell Gordon Lewis in the Sixties, so The Undertaker and His Pals not only seemed to come out of left field -- really, just who the hell is director T.L.P. SWICEGOOD? -- but has the rough edges of an amateur movie gleefully out of control.
In an apparent effort to boost business, a crackpot Undertaker and his two idiot cohorts, Doc and Spike, dress as bikers, randomly pick a victim's name out of the phone book, then invade the apartment of shapely Sally Lamb, cut off her legs, and divvy up the results. (Though the film starts in tinted black & white, it abruptly switches to color starting with the murder -- specifically, with the two bloody knives protruding from Sally's belly.) Miss Lamb's body is then put on display at the Shady Rest Funeral Parlor ("We Give Trading Stamps") where the weirdo Undertaker (RAY DANNIS doing his best Vincent Price) gives her an overpriced funeral -- "How would you like to sew plastic legs on a cold corpse!" -- while Doc and Spike serve "Leg of Lamb" at their aptly named "Greasy Spoon Cafe."
Watch the trailer!
$8 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
August 11th - An Evening with Zoe Beloff
Amusement Park in early film and animation - featuring "Fatty" Arbuckle, Koko the Clown, Betty Boop and more.
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
August 18th - Phantom Creep Theatre - King Kong's Gone Coney Island Crazy!
An evening celebrating the work and life of inventor, animator, artist, and dreamer, WILLIS O'BRIEN.
The night culminates with one of the most perfect films ever crafted, the original KING KONG! Projected from a breathtaking 16mm film print and it will be presented as it has not been seen since it's original 1933 premiere at Radio City Music Hall!
Plus! CARDONE THE MAGICIAN's LIVE (?) spook show performance!
And yet another thing! The HYPNO CORPSE will shock and amaze you!
Would you believe there's still more?! A retrospective of a bunch of rare, early WILLIS O'BRIEN films that led him on a direct course to Skull Island!
Master of Scare-a-monies: the 8mm Movie Matinee's own COUNT MOLOCH!
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).
August 25th - Closing Party for The Great Coney Island Spectacularium with guest Nick Yulman and others
Join us for a last look at the Spectacularium ( and the Cosmorama of the great Dreamland fire. And explore the pre-history of animation and Coney Island spectacle before the show ends on Labor Day weekend. Artists will be in attendance, as will special guest performers.
Nick Yulman will perform original scores using mechanical instruments for two 1926 films, Now You Tell One and A Wild Roomer by silent comedian and stop-motion animation innovator Charlie Bowers.
Free beer and Wine, including a special Dreamland Fire Brew, hand-crafted by our friends at the Coney Island Brewery and wine by Red Hook Winery. 8PM start. Film at 8:30pm. $20 in advance or at the door.

Brooklyn-based artist and musician Nick Yulman builds digitally controlled mechanical instruments that he uses for performances and installations -- an experimental approach to crafting pop songs. He has shown and performed his work at venues in New York and beyond including the ISE Cultural foundation, Smack Mellon, Flux Factory, AS 220, The Museum of the Moving Image and the Coney Island Museum.
$20 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase). |
September 1st - Phantom Creep Theatre - Godzilla Invades Coney Island!
An evening celebrating Japanese kaiju cinema!
A super rare presentation of the 1960's cult film, GOLDEN BAT!
An equally rare 16mm film presentation of an episode of ULTRA Q - with English translation!
In attendance, performing extraordinarily phantasmagorical and prestidigitational feats: ALBERT CADABRA!
A live performance of the new play, GODZILLA INVADES LEMURIA!
The HYPNO COPRSE will shock and amaze you!
Master of Scare-a-monies: the 8mm Movie Matinee's own COUNT MOLOCH!
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase). |
September 8th - That Menello Show
Ric Menello is a working scriptwriter and an expert in cinephelia. He is the writer of the critically acclaimed 2009 film, Two Lovers, directed by James Gray and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Gwyneth Paltrow. He has directed music videos for The Beastie Boys and Slick Rick. Join us as he re-creates his YouTube Show "That Menello Show"
Further details about this night TBA.
$10 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase). |
September 15th - Ghoul A Go-Go - Hosted by Vlad and Creighton!
World Premiere of Ghoul A Go-Go episode: "Devils", featuring The Insomniacs and Reverend Beat-Man!
The Devil Bat (1940), Sponsored by Something Weird Video!
BELA LUGOSI plays Dr. Paul Carruthers, a bitter perfume inventor who takes revenge on the employers who made millions at his expense. He enlarges a normal-size bat to gigantic proportions by electricity, then lures the killer bat to his intended victims with a special after shave the bat is attracted to. Johnny Layton, a reporter, figures out that Caruthers has something to do with the murders and devises a plan to incriminate him. There is a high body count for a film of this era, and unlike too many Lugosi films, Bela gets plenty of camera time. Loads of low-budget fun, with cardboard sets and sad special effects, especially the big furry bat on a string. This was the first and most successful horror film for the poverty row studio Producers Releasing Corporation (PRC). After the war the studio tried to recapture this success by producing Devil Bat’s Daughter and a virtual shot-by-shot remake The Flying Serpent.
$8 in advance or at the door. Click here to buy tickets in advance (no extra service fees for advance purchase).

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